My imagination makes me human
and makes me a fool;
it gives me all the world
and exiles me from it.
--Ursula K. Le Guin

PembrokeUnion Avenue
An Urban Journal Exploring Place,
Purpose, Literature, Memory,
and This Time

Purpose and Intent:

Primarily, this online urban journal is intended as a double-sided mind trick: first, a way to motivate a lazy writer to write; second, an attempt to influence the emergence of reality out of illusion. If reality is merely a synthesis of the most commonly held illusions (one big Truman Show), I'm hoping to influence locally (i.e., in Knoxville, TN) a literary reality by submitting herewith the illusion that fiction and poetry enjoy a rich and unbroken tradition here. You will find in these pages references to native Knoxvillian writers and poets and to current literary news.

Writers are the most hopeless optimists and have, throughout history, been charged with naming things, believing that all things come into being when they are born in language, that the Word creates both space and time. Naming is the writer's way of memorializing, of preventing something essential from passing into oblivion, and of providing the impetus for something essential to come into being. So, let the Word find another home here.

This website also serves to spotlight interesting, informative, or exceptional literary websites on the Internet, both for writer and reader, to make a contribution, however small, to the ongoing literary dialogue.

Your comments/suggestions are welcome via e-mail.

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